1,521 Flats Sold Under HDB’s Open Booking Scheme
A total amount of 1,521 flats have actually gotten sold in the available booking scheme after its launch in Jun2K19, reported Minister of State for National Development Tan Kiat How inside of Parliament on 2March.
He was responding to MP Gan Thiam Poh who inquired the amount of HDB flats sold under the available booking program ever since its release.
The available selection program makes it possible for house hunters “to request a flat on the net, as well as attain their public home option session with a first-come-first-served basis, that may be as early as the next working day”.
Tan stated a total amount of Forty-six two room Flexi flats, Two hundred Seventy-three three room flats, 6hundred 1 four room flats, 597 five room/ Three Generation flats, and four Exec public housing have actually gotten reserved as of 22 Feb 2021 via the available selection procedure.
Gan in addition asked if Housing and Development Board might take into consideration including a fresh quantity of flats more consistently and also raise the sum of flats provided within the program.
Towards this, Tan reveal that HDB, currently, “holds release booking double a yr to inject a new amount of flats. Most of flats given in the available booking come from the pot of flats that are still unchosen after the 2 times yearly Sale of Balance Flats activities”.
He add on that HDB has actually been examining solutions to supply extra public housing through available reservation.
Housing and Development Board, as an example, has already stopped the ROF exercises ever since February2020 in order that more left out public housing from the Sale of Balance Flat activities could be extended instantly via open reservation, he declared.
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